Unleashing Creativity: Renaissance Fairy Photoshoot Themes

When the model has a fairy dress for a limited amount of time, you find time for a photoshoot!

And for this photoshoot I was looking for a hilly looking wooded trail where the setting sun could backlight Alyssa.

A.A. MacLean Park in Lake Jackson along the Brazos river seem to be the best choice for this.

In this park there is a short cute between two trails. If you have been to this park you know the trail I’m talking about.

Once we got bored with this spot, we walked down the trails for what seemed like a mile, and found a nice little opening in the trees.

And the whole time walking up this long trail all I could think about is why didn’t I air up the tires on my wagon more.

Even though it was getting late, we were able to create a few more before it started getting too dark on us.

Model Alyssa Owens

And then being so far down the trail it was time to make our way back to the trucks.

Which again seemed to be another mile walk, even thought I don’t think it was any close to that.

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